Friday, July 18, 2008

Bluetooth Headphones

Dear Cupertino, 

I love the apple earbuds but, sometimes I want to destroy them because of the stupid wire that gets in the way! (especially when mowing the lawn). So why couldn't you create bluetooth headphones using basically the iPhone bluetooth headset? It shouldn't be that hard, just take out the microphone and label them L and R and you have great wireless headphones.



Editorial Note:  I don't really like the idea of wireless headphones.  I already have my jawbone that I have to charge, my iPhone that I have to charge.  What else?  I don't need more devices that I have to plug in on a daily basis.  I could see the novelty in it, but I'll just sling my earphones around the back of my head for now.  But I can see what the author is trying to do here, and this is a request that I have received alot since I have started the blog.  By the way, I am receiving suggestions all the time.  I just haven't had a lot of time recently to put them up.  So, I apologize.  Will get more articles up. 


Anonymous said...

I agree and don't really see the benefit of wireless headphones (except for when i mow the lawn and want to rip the earbuds in half for getting caught on so much) but just about every person who reviews the iPhone has an issue that there are no wireless headsets. This wouldn't be too hard to accomplish and the people that want them can buy them for a price and the rest of us can just go on being happy without them.

ELH said...

I never have a problem w/ the earbuds getting caught on anything when mowing the lawn - just route the wire inside your shirt to the iPod in question...

Anonymous said...

I don't know, I've been using the JayBird iphone bluetooth headphones for a while and I'm loving them. Of course you have to charge them but it's better than loosing time, fighting to get the cord untangle. I do a lot of sports and it's great that in the middle of my workout I don't have to struggle with the wire getting on my way, also they stay on so well and they're a good small size which I like.