Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The DearCupertino Score Card

We'd be remiss if we didn't at least thank Apple for the things that they've actually built that we've asked for on this blog.  Whether they had it in the works already when we wrote about it or not, it doesn't matter, at least it was built, and we are grateful for that.  We know Apple, Inc. reads this blog, and we appreciate it.

Copy and Paste on the iPhone.  We were very close in the actual implementation of this.
MMS on the iPhone.
Apple Home Server.  They did this with two things:

  • #1 Allowing you to copy all your iTunes media from iTunes to iTunes on different machines by Home Sharing
  • #2 Leopard Server on a Mac Mini
iTablet.  Well, the iPad is here.
Bluetooth Keyboards.
Wireless Headphones
Notes Syncing.  Now we can sync through IMAP.
Better Camera.
iPhone Single Inbox
iTunes App Store Gifting
New Laptop Improvements.  The bring back of Firewire and Matte screens
iPhone + iTunes: A perfect combination. Folders for Apps and Arranging apps from iTunes
Exchange Support in Mail.  Came with Snow Leopard
iPhone wish list.  Many of the features requested here are fulfilled!

Who says Apple doesn't listen to customers?  Thanks Apple.

iChat and Facetime, a match made in heaven

Dear Cupertino,

I have to say, the iPhone 4 is fantastic.  There are it's flaws, don't get me wrong, (like the fact that it doesn't have voice integration into the phone in every aspect, you know, like Android does), but it's a fantastic phone and I am glad you made it.

But there is one more thing.

Facetime is great, it works, you don't have to configure a bunch of ports to open on the firewall and through NAT devices, and the iPhone remembers which other iPhones are capable of holding those calls.  So, that's just great.  However, how much harder would it have been to put out a new version of iChat at the same time that allows you to call your iChat video capable friends (read: everyone that has a current Mac) with your iPhone 4?  That would be fantastic and would probably cause a lot more people to use iChat than they do now.

iChat could be rewritten so that all the video features of the iPhone's Facetime could be used to help iChat for transversal through NATs and the like.
