Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bluetooth is for more than headsets?!

Dear Cupertino,

We have the iPhone, we have the Aluminum Keyboard; can they be friends?

I mean, they both talk the same language. I'm sure they have a lot of catching up to do. Let's put them in a room together and see what happens, hell, we'll throw a bottle of cheap scotch in there too.

Imagine the possibilities of taking your keyboard/iPhone on a short trip and having an amazing amount of functionality within two pieces of equipment. Given the eventual enterprise applications built within 2.0 and the endless possibilities of the App Store; keyboard control of your iPhone is just, plain, sexy.



Dear Cupertino Reader.


Anonymous said...

what about the other way around? have the iphone/ipod touch work as a touch sensitive surface while working on your mac? imagine adding in tools to photoshop (or iphoto/aperture) that are displayed on the iphone, and can be selected... zoom in/out of photos, select a brush, etc.. Now that would be snazzy ;-)

Chandler Bassett said...

Hell yes it would. You my friend, are why we do what do here!

Unknown said...

I'm surprised that you can't already do this. Necessary!

Unknown said...

Found this by searching for this functionality. Why won't this work? Could it be made to work?