Thursday, September 4, 2008

Warning: Soap Box Alert!

DC Readers; sup?

I'd like to first and foremost apologize for my lack of presence on the site. Personal and professional obligations have gone and kicked my ass. I'm back-ready to not suck once more and continue to give you some random speculative nonsense about Apple Inc. and the products we love.

Apology over, I've seen a lot of criticism on various blogs/comment logs about how we don't update frequently. I'd like to speak on that:

We update as often as we get solid material. Remember, we're the voice for you, the consumers. Sure, we could pepper the site with our own ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc but then it feels disingenuous. We can't stress enough that this site is as good as you all make it. So, criticize if you'd like, but only if you're willing to take up the effort to let us know what's on your mind.

With the DNS nonsense dying down and the end of the fiscal year approaching, those on the team who work in IT can get back to doing what we do best; slacking off at work while writing DC posts. Solid.



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