Thursday, September 11, 2008

Improved iPhone Contacts Seach

Dear Cupertino,

I love my new iPhone 3G. I love iPhone OS 2.0, and with the release of 2.1, I'm a huge believer in the fact that Apple are dedicated to their products - bug fixes, more stability, less app crashes, improved battery life, and faster backups are all features for the win. So far people have reported that 2.1 fixes SMS and Contacts lag, so I'm glad.

I love how Address Book on my Mac automatically syncs to my iPhone. It's great.

However, a lot of my friends and people I know go exclusively by a nickname. People that I've met through online forums, Digg, and other social networking sites also go by nicknames. The iPhone Contacts program needs an overhaul of it's search features, though.

It'd be great to have search ordering, ala iTunes ordering by album, artist, size, bitrate, etc - in the same way, I'd love to be able to order my contacts by nickname, email address, mobile number, home number, and so on.

At the moment, Contacts search doesn't seem capable of displaying results for those with only an email address (for those of us with Exchange address sync), or only showing those contacts who don't have an email address attached to their vcard.

Different options for sorting contacts would also be welcome - it'd be cool, for instance, to be able to display those contacts that only have email addresses, or those contacts which have both an email address and a mobile number.

But most of all, Contacts search doesn't parse and/or return results for the "Nickname" field. I would love it if it did - handy for those internet acquaintances.

Editorial note -- as a matter of fact, all fields should be searchable!

Dan "Pete" Clark.


Anonymous said...

i completely agree. it's frustrating that contact search doesn't search every available field

Anonymous said...

This is so basic that it's incredible how they didn't do it yet after all updates made to the iphone.

I tottaly agree with the post

When??? when???

Anonymous said...

Please Please this would be a great improvement.

I will wait and wish

Anonymous said...

Apple has really dropped the ball by not having search capabilities on the iPhone. Having "search" available for emails,contacts, and calendar events is critical and would improve productivity. Additonally, Apple needs to improve the calendar application i.e., ability to invite attendees during the calendar event function. Does anyone know if spell check is available? bbbama

Pete said...

Yay! iPhone OS 3.0 includes searching all fields!! Thank you Apple.
