Tuesday, September 9, 2008

iPod Classic 240GB

Dear Cupertino,

I was extremely excited today as were all the other Apple fanboys about the “Let’s Rock” keynote presented by King Jobs himself. I was extremely impressed with the new iPod Nano and cannot wait to see it in person. Although the iPod Classic didn’t necessarily get an upgrade rather than a price drop and a capacity downgrade.

The new iPod Classic comes in a 120GB (Silver, and Black) size as a standard.. No high end, no low end. The Previous iPod Classic came in an 80GB version and a 160GB. So why the downgrade? Well other than the major price cut there really is no explanation.. Those of use with large music libraries (I have over 150GB of music and 300GB of movies) want the largest capacity for our music players giving us our media where ever we go.

The sad part of this is that Toshiba (the suppliers of the iPods hard drives) have just announced a 240GB hard drive that happens to have the same dimensions of the previous iPod’s 160GB drive...

So Cupertino would you mind explaining to us why we have to suffer the pain of having only 120GB of our glorified Media with us at a time rather than a whopping 240GB?

Wouldn’t it be nice having ALL your movies, music, and photos with you where ever you go?

Please Cupertino, pretty please...

Thanks Love,

Ryan Stellato


Anonymous said...

gimme gimme gimme

Anonymous said...

you do not even undrstand how long ive been waiting for an iPod/ media device that brought that kind of storage to the table.. like Ryan said.. please cupertino, pretty please

Anonymous said...

I would 3 ipod 240GB

one for music,
one for TV Shows
and one for Movies ...

it's just too bad you don't make a 240 GB version, so just for that I will only buy a few of your new Nano's

Take That Apple!!! :P

Anonymous said...


i meant buy 3 iPod Classics.


I know its a little off topic but i am really pissed about Nike+ not working with my iPhone and only with iTouch 2.0 ... Ryan can you write something about this please

Thanks Bra

Anonymous said...

okay one last thing ... when are they coming out with a 240 GB iPhone -- with 40 hours of battery life -- I dont care if it ands up being as big and ugly as my old Windows Smartphone, I would still buy it.

Ryan M said...

Dear dr evo 2112:
thanks for the comments,
and looks like you have alot of media if you need 3 240GB ipods.. :)
240GB iPhone with 40 hour battery life.. hmm
thats actually kind of interesting, put a hard drive in it, throw in a bigger battery, that could work, im going to have to write about that one.

Thanks dr evo 2112!

Anonymous said...

1) The 240GB was "ANNOUNCED". It was not released.

2) They didn't reduce the 160GB model to 120GB, they discontinued it and bumped the 80GB to 120GB.

3) The number of people of buying the 160GB Classic was obviously too small for Apple to maintain the 160GB model. If you want that size you can buy it refurbished for only $30 more than the 120GB model.

4) You should be lucky that Apple kept the Classic at all. Many people thought it would be gone al together. I figure another or two until NAND gets cheaper and denser. At least 128GB.

5) You think that 240GB would be some sort of "sweet spot" but you'd just want a larger model the next year. Be like the average person and use a proper back up system for your media.

Chandler Bassett said...

I have a 400GB iTunes database, Anything bigger than what they currently have would be amazing as I have two 160's and an 80. I'm not sure how having a larger iPod directly relates to "average people" and "proper back-ups".

Anonymous said...

" I'm not sure how having a larger iPod directly relates to "average people" and "proper back-ups"."

The average person doesn't use multiple iPods for backing up their data. They use a single HDD to store their data, usually a 3.5" drive, and they only put the media they will use.

Chandler Bassett said...


What makes you assume I'm using my devices for my backups? Multiple devices for different genre's, playlists, etc.

I have 2TB of NAS at home for media and personal file storage. I don't believe for a second people are purchasing the most expensive "external HDD" you can get in an iPod for media storage.

Ryan M said...

1) I said "ANNOUNCED"
2) It sounds like they dropped the 160GB either way, so whats your point?
3) well actually the amount of people buying the 160GB Classic is actually quite significant. To be honest I believe Apple new that this 240GB Hard Drive was being announced today and is waiting to put it inside the classic when it ships.
4) Many people are very stupid. How can anyone think that Apple would discontinue the classic. If they had no "large" player in the market than many iPod users with large iTunes libraries would be forced to switch to one of the competitors. We'd be pushed to the dark side. Sounds like a decision only stupid people would make.
5) when did anyone mention back ups? I use a Lacie Big Disk for backups, not my iPod, where you got that from I do not know.

Unknown said...

Slimmer is not better give me a big fat ipod with 240 GB of goodness. This fixation with slimness is played out. Also while your at it give me a huge fat 17" MBP with user changeable graphics and hard drive size does matter ! Nice and big with plenty of cooling and a longer life hmmm.

Ryan M said...

Simon I completely agree with you, Apple should have the slim beautiful line for the average user, but for people with a lot of music, movies, and photos we want the biggest thing possible, so bring it on Apple.

Anonymous said...

People should read this.