Friday, December 26, 2008

Multiple Genii

First up, hope y'all had an awesome Christmas. Whatever you did, whatever presents you got, I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Anyways, it's back to work now with yet another Dear Cupertino post from yours truly. It's one that has been floating around for a while, so, enjoy!

As usual, if you've got any suggestions for any Apple products that you'd like to see, shoot off an email to Joel: joel.esler [at] me [dot] com is the one you want.

Dear Cupertino,

With iTunes 8, you gave us the Genius feature. It's an awesome feature that is actually, pretty cool. From the Apple website:
The new Genius feature in iTunes 8 creates the perfect playlist. Just select a song, click the Genius button, and iTunes generates a playlist of songs from your library that go great with it. You decide how many songs appear in your Genius playlist — 25, 50, or 100. Refresh your Genius playlist to get new results. Or save your Genius playlist so you always have it.
One thing that the Genius playlist of iTunes 8 lacks is creation of a Genius playlist from more than one source song. Sure, we like it when we can make a playlist based on songs that "go great with it", but what if we're looking for a more specific taste?
Having the ability to create a Genius playlist based off more than one song would be incredibly useful in this scenario.

I can't see why Apple wouldn't implement this - surely it wouldn't involve that much more code.

Benny Ling

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